How to create an article in the Knowledge Base
Creating new content for your Knowledge Base is easy peasy! 😎

Go to the Knowledge Base menu and once you're in the desired language page (if you have one portal in multiple languages you must create the content in each of them) click on the + symbol:

The content is organized in two levels: 

-Folders and subfolders (to group and organize articles by sections) 
-Documents (your articles)
Create your folders first (articles need a location when creating them).  Fill out the information and click on "Create" to save your changes.

NOTE: Indexation option helps you create SEO searchable content in Google. Check this article for further information Grow Your Audience Organically with a SEO-friendly Knowledge Base 

Once you have a folder at least, you can create your articles. Fill out the information and click on "Create" to save your changes: 

Now you can start building your content easily! Just type for writing text or click on the symbol to add other elements:

NOTE: Once you upload images, remember to keep them in your Image Library if they're used in any of your articles. If you deleted them, your readers will no longer see them when reading the article where it was initially uploaded:

Also, remember to save your progress every now and then on the right hand side panel. It till first save as draft (private document) and once visibility is activated, it will be publicly available on your Help Portal:

Once you're ready to publish your article, just switch the toggle on and save changes. The document will be instantly available for your readers on your Portal:

Don't miss other interesting content about the Knowledge Base to keep learning!

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FROGED Help Center | 2025