Qualification Form

You can set a qualification form that users will have to fill in before starting a conversation on the chat. It's used to qualify the contact before the conversation starts and it can then be used to redirect certain conversations to certain Agents or Inbox Groups (like different departments for example).

First of all, you need to create a contact attribute or use an existing one. To crearte a new one go to Settings > Contact Attributes > + Add Attribute.

Then, to set up your Qualification Form, just go to Settings > Widget > Qualification, then enable it by clicking on the switch so it turns green:

This form can be customized, you can add various contact attributes as fields in the form, and choose which categories are mandatory to complete. You can use existing attributes or simply create new ones.

Let's have a look at this example:

Use case: a company wants to prequalify conversations and allocate them to the right department (Support or Sales) straight away so there is no manual assignment of the conversations when customers contact them.

1. Set up the qualification form (where shown above) as follows:

Define the categories and create them within the desired attribute "Department" in this case:
Once saved, it'll show to your customers as follows, so they will have to pick the department they want to speak to before writing and sending the message:

NOTE: the email field is always mandatory when enabling the qualification form (to identify the user).

If you want to create a new attribute, first go to Settings > Contact Attributes > + Add Atribute (and configure your qualification form afterwards):

To edit each category, click on the pencil icon and to reorganize them just drag and drop them. You can also change the label and placeholder, add a description, and set it as a mandatory field.

Remember also to edit those fields in every language you have added to your widget:


2. Create Inbox groups for Sales and Support departments:

Check this article: How to create a Support Group

3. Create a rule to redirect messages to these groups automatically:

Go to Inbox > Rules > + Create New Rule

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