How to create Contact Segments

Segments are user groups with certain characteristics: Attributes. They’re useful to segment your audience very simply. This way, you can hiper-personalize all your communications in FROGED very easily, and also monitor those segments closely within “Contacts”.

Segmentation offers great value to your business since they let you group a group of users that meet certain criteria, not only attributes related to the contact (location, plan, user type, etc) but also actions they perform or don’t perform in your platform (Events).

This segmentation is dynamic. When a client meets the conditions set (Attributes and/or Events) it will enter in the created dynamic segment and if it ever stops meeting those conditions, it will leave the segment automatically.

This allows you to communicate with your clients in a highly personal, but automatic, way. For example, you can launch campaigns  to dynamic segments (that track current behavior) instead of just to static segments (that only take attributes into account).


How do I create a new Contacts' segment? 

You only need to go to Contacts and create a new segment (by clicking the + symbol next to Segments), enter the segment information and filters, and save. Watch this video to see it in more detail:

 The filters of the segment can be: 
-Contact Attributes: User characteristics. eg. country, email, type of plan, etc.
-Events: Actions taken by the user. eg. on_login, on_contact_created, click_on_element_"x", etc.
-Communications: Automessages, Behaviroal Emails, Flows and Email Campaigns. 

Watch this video to see how to filter by the different options:

Once your segment is created, you'll find it in the left side menu, under the correspondent visibility menu (Public Segments, My Segments or Protected Segments):

  • Public Segments: Segments visible to all agents/users, regardless of their permissions.
  • My Segments (Private): Segments visible only to yourself.
  • Protected Segments: segments visible to agents/users that have the right agent permissions. 

And remember that after creating a segment, you can Edit, Delete or Clone it (if you have the permissions):

How can I give other agents access to Protected Segments and all the segments settings (clone, edit and delete)?

Simply go to Settings > Agents and click on the edit option for the desired agent. 
Then activate the permission:

What else can I do with Contact Segments once created?
  • Segments are not only useful for tracking a specific group of contacts / users within the Contacts section, you can do so much more! Segments are a quick way to personalize all your FROGED communications, by allowing you to filter the audience directly as a specific segment. These include: Automessages, Behavioral Emails, Email Campaigns, Flows and NPS. 

It's very simple! For any of the above, in the "Condition" step, just click on Load Segment and select the desired one from the list:

This way you don't need to create the filters manually again. Isn't it great?

  • Track Events for more than 14-days: FROGED only keeps Events data under the menu "Live Stream" for the last 14 days:

From the date you create a Segment to track an Event, you'll be able to keep track of the contacts related, and also its evolution on the main Dashboard. The Live Stream menu is only for the last 14 days.

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