To access your Net Promoter Score metrics just click on the Metrics tab within the NPS feature:
PRO tip 👉 You can track the NPS of a specific segment you want by looking at the column "Dynamic Segments" on the left.
At the top, you have some of your most important metrics:
Total answers: the total number of answers your NPS survey has received from users that rated you.
Response ratio: the percentage of users who have answered the NPS survey among the total of interactions (users who answered the survey and also the users who closed the survey without responding):
Response ratio = [Number of ratings (responses) / (Number of ratings + Number of closings without rating)] * 100
% Promoters = Number of promoters / Total number of responses received
% Detractors = Number of detractos / Total number of responses received
Values go from -100 to 100.
A negative score means that you have more detractos (0 to 6) than promoters (9 to 10), and a positive score that you have more promoters than detractors. A score of 0 means thatyou have the same number of each, or only passives (7 to 8).
- Rating average: the average rating received on the survey taking all responses into account (from 0 to 10). It's calulated as the arithmetic average.
All these metrics refer to a specific period of time, that you can also filter. For this, you just have toaccess the "calendar" symbol in the top bar top bar menu on the right. Here you can select a
predefined period of time, and also customize your desired timeframe:
Remember that the General panel gives you the NPS for All users and the full period of time since your NPS survey was activated. If you want the same metrics to show on the Metrics tab, you'll have to select "All" in the period and segments:
On the next graph, you will see your response distribution and the percentage of promoters, detractors, and passive customers you have.
🚨 WARNING! It's possible that sometimes there are small data deviations between users and nps events in FROGED. This can be caused if any NPS responses are deleted from the platform or if certain users (contacts) are deleted or merged (changed user identity).
If you have read our NPS Best Practices, you already know that measuring NPS over time is extremely important to determine if your efforts, in terms of product improvements and converting detractors into promoters, have been successful.