
2. Activate the accounts on your workspace.

How to set up accounts

Setting up accounts is really easy, just follow these steps.
1. Bring the info to FROGED.
Account information is sent over in the 'set' code snippet, as a JSON object called account. Find more info in SDK Javascript.
{ userId:"User id in your database",
email:"Email address",
name: "Full name",
account: {
accountId: 'Account id in your database'
}) </script>
NOTE: You can also send Froged account data with the REST API. Account data can also be imported with a CSV.

2. Activate the accounts on your workspace.
This is done here: Settings>Workspace Info>Account System>ON

Done! Now enjoy all the benefits this gives to you:
-Create account segments
-Add accounts' conditions into automessages
-Set up an Account Owner for each account.
-Create account segments
-Add accounts' conditions into automessages
-Set up an Account Owner for each account.
-Assign the conversations to them.
-Send automessages from them effortless
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