FROGED is not a tool of usage metrics per se, but it offers you the possibility to create events to track what pages of your platform your users are visiting (or not visiting).
Here are some ideas and examples on how you can do this:
1. Create events to track when your user visits different sites / modules of your solution:
Go to Settings > Events and create a custom events for the actions you’d like to track. Examples:
URL: track when a user access a specific page (eg. module homepage)

Click: track clicks on certain items of your site (eg. button add to cart):
The picker will navigate the desired URL and allow you to select a specific element
Scroll: track when users scroll on a specific item of your site. They’re set up like the Click events.
Custom: custom events are those that are created with code, to track specific actions (eg. Login, Logout, etc). These will require the work of your technical team as they use SDK to track them.
2. Track your events from the “Contacts” section:
Go to Contacts + “Add condition to filter” and select the desired event you want to track → Type “Events” - search for event name - use offered alternatives:
-Count: how many times event has taken place
-First occurred: when it happened for the first time
-Last occurred: when it happened the last time
Then play with the available conditions depending on what you want.
Eg. Events -> Automessage Created -> Last Occurred - more than 30 days ago:
3. Create a Dynamic Segment with the filters above:
If this was not a one-off query and you’d like to monitor this user group more closely, you should also save this filtered group as a Segment. Once your contacts list is filtered down for the particular event, just click on “Save filter as a segment”.
You can save the segment as public (all your colleagues with access to FROGED) or private (just for you):

IMPORTANT NOTE: FROGED only keeps Event records for the last 14-day period. However, if you save your user segment for a particular event, this information is always available.
4. Visualize your segments for regular usage monitoring:
-From the Contacts section (SEGMENTS or MY PRIVATE SEGMENTS)

-From the general Dashboard:
Customize your dates from the upper right corner (7-day period by default).

5. User segment suggestions for Usage traction:
No need to create events beforehand for these:
DAU (Daily Active Users): users that have connected in less than 2 days (since it tracks daily users). Filter -> Last seen less than 2 days ago
WAW (Weekly Active Users): Last seen less than 8 days ago (since it tracks weekly users)
MAU (Monthly Active Users): Last seen less than 31 days ago (since it tracks monthly users)
These, can then be compared in the Dashboard section:
6. More ideas on how to use Segments:
What else can I do with contact segments once created? Segments are not only useful for tracking a specific group of contacts / users within the Contacts section, you can do so much more!
Segments are a quick way to personalize all your FROGED communications, by allowing you to filter the audience directly as a specific segment. These include: Automessages, Behavioral Emails, Email Campaigns, Flows and NPS.
It's very simple! For any of the above, in the "Condition" step, just click on Load Segment and select the desired one from the list:
This way you don't need to create the filters manually again.
What are Behavioral Emails?
What Are Email Campaigns?
What are Flows?
NPS Metrics