How does group-routing work?
New! Share new support conversations evenly among your team.
The group routing mode automatically assigns new conversations that come to a shared group Inbox sequentially among your available agents. So, every conversation is directed to an agent instead of letting it on the “unassigned” group. This way, you facilitate the work to the agents and the customers get a faster response.
You will have two circumstances, adding the auto assign to an existing group or to create a group with the group routing mode from the beginning.

1/Click on “Edit” the group you want to activate the group-routing.

2/Activate the Routing Mode.

Done! From now on, the conversations will be distributed in sequential order to agents in that inbox group.

Follow the instructions to create a rule and click on group routing mode ON once you assign it to a group.

NOTE: the agents can turn off the group routing mode and then, they won’t receive the conversations that are incoming to the groups she or he belongs. Check how to turn off group routing mode.
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