Creating an Email Campaign to your users according to your marketing criteria is very easy and intuitive. In a few steps, you can have an active campaign.
Thanks to the use of the previously saved segments or by filtering the audience, you can reach all the users you want, reinforcing other marketing initiatives that you have active at that time.
To start creating email campaigns, go to Engage > Email Campaigns > + Create Campaign. Then, just follow these three simple steps:
Step 1 - Audience
Add conditions to filter your audience or send your campaigns to all your contacts.
Step 2 - Message
The Message is very important, so it should be elegant and attractive to your users. The text editor incorporated in Froged, gives you a wide range of possibilities for editing your messages. In a simple and fast way, you can add links, photographs, videos...
Choose which agent you want the email to be sent from, and in case that the recipient replies, where you will get that email.
If you want to change the appearance of your message, click on Select templates and choose one of these three formats:
In order to increase your open and read rates, you should make your campaigns as personalized as possible. You can do that by adding variables such as the receiver's name or country.

Step 3 - Status
Set a name and description so you and other agents can easily identify your campaign. Now that your campaign is ready to go, choose one of three options:
- Save as draft. You can save the draft of the campaign and modify some of its parameters later.
- Schedule campaign. It allows you to schedule the campaign at a certain date and time. Click on the calendar to choose the date and time when you want your campaign to be sent.
The hourly use shown in this option is what you have previously set in your app. Go to Settings > Workspace Info to modify the hourly use.
- Send campaign now. Selecting this option the campaign will be sent after 30 seconds.