Quick installation checks

How can I check if FROGED is correctly installed on a particular site?

You have installed FROGED on your website and now you need to check if it has been done correctly. Just run this quick checks and find out how you did it:

1. Go to the site where you want to check if FROGED has been installed.

2. Right click anywhere on the page and select Inspect

3. Open the Console. Click on Ø to clean the console and visualize data easier.

4. Type Froged ('auth') +  press Enter

5. Check result on screen. You can find out three possible options showed below. 

OPTION 1: FROGED is correctly installed on the site & the user is identified:

No error message shown after introducing Froged (‘auth’) and the user is shown with identity fields filled (email, user_id…)

OPTION 2: FROGED is correctly installed on the site & user is NOT identified:

No error message shown after introducing Froged (‘auth’) but the user is NOT identified as identity fields show empty (email, user_id…). 

In order to get user identification sorted you need to check the section “SET” in this article. This will help you get users identified on a site in real time.

OPTION 3: FROGED is NOT correctly installed or NOT installed at all:

An error messages is shown after introducing Froged (‘auth’):

Your tech team will need to look again to install FROGED. Please refer them to our relevant articles on how to do this: How to install FROGED with a script?  

Have any questions or doubts? Please contact us through our Support Chat. Thanks and enjoy FROGED!

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