

Chat Notifications

To modify your Chat Notifications, go to your Profile.
Here you can change how you receive notifications about your conversations with users (New Conversations, Assigned Conversations, Messages, Reopened Conversations) or internal communications with other agents (Notes, Mentions, Followers).
You can also configure where you prefer to receive notifications: Web, Mobile, Email or even if you want the notification to be accompanied by a Sound.
Click on any button to turn it on - when it's green - or off - when it's red as in the picture

- New Conversations: each time a user opens a new conversation.
- Assigned Conversations: when a conversation has been assigned to you.
- Messages: conversations we have assigned and open when they arrive.
- Reopened Conversations: when a contact reopens a conversation assigned to you.
- Notes: if an agent attaches a note to a conversation assigned to you.
- Mentions: every time an ****agent mentions you in conversation.
- Followers: when an agent added you as a follower in a conversation.
When the notifications on web are turned on, you will get a push notification on your screen.
To get notified with a push notification on your mobile phone, you need to have the Mobile button turned on and have installed the Froged App on your phone.Haven't downloaded the Froged mobile app yet? You can find more information on how to do so here: Mobile App Remember to allow all notifications from the Froged App on your phone' settings.
If the email button is green, you'll get notified via email when a contact starts a conversation.
Other notification settings can be found in the Preferences section.

From here you can manage:
- Avatar visibility: choose whether to display your avatar in the header of the widget inbox.
- Notifications in web title: display a flashing animated title when you have unread notifications to grab your attention.
- Sound notifications: an audible alert alerts you to new notifications.