
Import Contacts

IMPORTANT: If you need to create a custom column, start
here, otherwise skip this first step.
How to create a custom column
Create an Attribute following these steps:
1. Click on the Settings > Account Attributes or Contact Attributes.

2. Click on +Add Attribute. Type the name, description and select the type of Attribute (text, number, true/false, date, option)

3. Click on Save.
TIP: You already have some default attributes, to see them click on Show me.

How to Import your Contacts
To Import your Contacts, you will need to download the CSV contact template that we provide, click on Import> Get CSV template on the top right of your screen to start the download.

With your CSV template, make sure you use at least the attribute "UserId" or "Email" at least, as this will be the unique user identifier. The users' attributes are the names of the column of the CSV and contain all contact attributes that your contacts have in FROGED (those we provide by default, and those you manually created in Settings > ContactAtrributes as explained above). Fill the ones you need for all your contacts, and save the file as CSV.

PRO TIP! If you need the WhatsApp channel, you need to import the attribute "whatsappNumber" with the contacts' phone numbers in the right format: "+countrycode and number" as shown here (example for a Spanish mobile number +34xxxxxxxxx):

Also, remember not to change how the Columns are written, keeping the attribute names as they are in the template otherwise the data won't upload successfully. Attribute name in the columns need to be written exactly as they are in FROGED.
Once your CSV file is ready, the next step is to upload it to the platform. To do this, click on Upload CSV:
Once the upload has finished you'll receive an email that has to confirm that all contacts have been uploaded successfully: