
How to install FROGED in Wordpress or Woocommerce?

If your website is a WordPress or Woocommerce store, you can use our plugin for a very easy installation. These are the steps to install it (in less than 5 mins!)
1. Go to the Plugin here.

2. After installing it, go to the Installed Plugins section, find the Froged plugin on the list and click the Activate link under Froged.
3. The next step is to configure the plugin. Select Settings in FROGED > Wokspace info or click here. Copy your Workspace ID (slug) - you can find it in Settings > Wokspace info - and paste it in Wordpress. Make sure the Active is checked and, click on Save Changes.

Now you should already see our widget on your website!
*Find more info at Plugin Page.
Have any questions or doubts? Please contact us through our Support Chat. Thanks and enjoy FROGED!
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