Whatsapp (Twilio)

FROGED supports sending and receiving messages to and from WhatsApp users. The WhatsApp channel helps expand your reach and availability to your important contacts on any platform that is convenient for them.

WhatsApp integration is build exclusively with our partner Twilio, you need a phone number that was manually enabled by Twilio in order to connect with WhatsApp.

Twilio WhatsApp API comes with a price. Around $2 /mth per phone number and $0.005 per sent/received message. Check the prices on the Twilio-Whatsapp pricing page 

You can follow these steps to configure your Whatsapp number and connect it with FROGED: 

Step 1 - Create account on Twilio
If you don't already have a Twilio account you can create one here: Create Twilio account

Step 2 - Create a Twilio Phone number
(If you already have a WhatsApp number and want to use it, go to Step 2)

Go to your Twilio's Dashboard and then create a phone number. You can buy phone numbers in almost any country.

Step 3 WhatsApp self-sign-up 

Complete this guide: WhatsApp self-sign-up

Step 4 - Connect Froged to Twilio
In your FROGED workspace, go to Settings> Integrations> WhatsApp (Twilio) and click on Connect Twilio. Fill out the required fields, including the telephone number from which messages will be sent from, and save changes:

You must fill in the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN fields with the information you will find in the Twilio account console

Finally copy the Webhook URL from FROGED (First image of this step) and go to Twilio console -> Messaging ->  Senders -> WhatsApp senders -> select your phone number -> paste the webhook URL in the Webhook URL for incoming messages section and save.

Note that the URL has to be copied exactly as shown, as we have no way to check that the one they pasted is the same as the one we need. If it’s not the same, they won’t receive any Twilio conversations on FROGED as if the integration was not completed. 

Step 5 - You can fully use FROGED with WhatsApp
Your customers can now reach your company directly from WhatsApp. Now, if you go to Settings> Integrations> WhatsApp (Twilio), you'll see that Twilio is already connected correctly.

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